The Master’s Program in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
The purpose of the M.A. program in EEB is to allow students to complete graduate-level research that is more directed and shorter-term than that done by doctoral students. Students in the M.A. program share some coursework requirements with Ph.D. students but do not take the Comprehensive or Qualifying exams. A Master’s thesis is required.
Required Coursework
M.A. students must take BIOE 200A (Scientific Skills) & BIOE 200B (Organismal Biology) in the fall quarter of the first year, BIOE 279 in the winter quarter of the first year, and two quarters of BIOE 203 (or one quarter of 203 and one quarter of 215) within their first two years. BIOE 281, 294, and 297 must be taken every quarter the student is in residence. All students must be enrolled in at least 15 units per quarter, unless on approved Part-Time status.
The Thesis
Although the topic and nature (e.g. theory, field work) of the thesis is the domain of the student and the thesis reading committee, all theses must have a general introduction and summarization that gives it coherence as a report on the candidate's research.
Normative Time
The target time for the Master’s program is two years. Students who fail to complete their theses within this time must request an extension from EEB-GAC. A written request signed by the student and advisor detailing the timetable to finish must accompany the Progress Report in the second year. Multiple extensions are not automatic.