Undergraduate Advising
Advising is available remotely via ZOOM, in-person, or by email.
EEB Advising provides advisement for the following majors:
- Ecology and Evolution BS
- Marine Biology BS
- Plant Sciences BS
- Biology BA
- Environmental Studies/Biology BA (Schedule initial advising appointments for this major through the Environmental Studies Department)
EEB Advisor Availability:
Note that Slug Success appointments may not be visible if appointment times are full beyond 30 days out.
Aubrie's Winter 2025 Advising Availability
Appointments - must be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance via Slug Success:
Monday 11:30 am - 2 pm (Zoom only)
Tuesday 1:30 - 4 pm (Zoom or in person)
Friday 1:30 - 3:30 pm (Zoom only)
Thursday 1-4 PM Zoom
Rexton's Winter 2025 Advising Availability (Jan. 3 - March 21)
Tuesdays and Thursdays: must be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance via Slug Success.
9 - Noon (via Zoom only)
1 - 4 (via Zoom only)
9 - Noon: In-Person (Main Campus, Thimann 381)
1 - 4: via Zoom this link.
*Drop-In sessions are conducted on a first-come, first-served basis and are not for full-on academic planning. They should be utilized to ask questions that can be answered in 5 - 10 minutes, or to schedule an appointment if you wish. Wait times will vary and may be lengthy for drop-in advising sessions. If you need to develop, discuss or change an academic plan, please schedule an available Tuesday or Thursday Zoom appointment via Slug Success.
EMAIL ADVISING: Email EEB Advising (eebadvising@ucsc.edu)
Please email your questions to EEB Advising at eebadvising@ucsc.edu from your UCSC email address. Do not email advisors at their personal email addresses.
Please be sure to include your full name and your student ID number in all emails to advising.
Advisors can assist you with most issues via email, including developing four year academic plans, signing forms, graduation checks, and more complex questions. If you are requesting assistance with forms, we ask that you fill in your form digitally and email us a PDF or Google document.
- During periods of high email volume, responses can be delayed up to 5 business days.
- Responses to petitions, appeals, and articulations can take up to 15 business days to complete.
- Appointments are made online via Navigate Slug Success only:
- Don't see the Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department in Slug Success? That means all appointments are currently full. Check back later for cancelations or email eebadvising@ucsc.edu for help with your questions.
- Not proposed/declared in an EEB Department major, but want to meet with an EEB Advisor? When scheduling an appointment in Slug Success you must select the appointment reason "Major/Minor Information and/or Support" in order to access EEB Advising availability.
How can I meet with an advisor?
How can I declare my EEB-sponsored major?
How do I create my four-year plan?
How do I submit an appeal to declare one of the EEB-sponsored majors?
Where can I find a list of the BIOE classes planned for this year?
Can I take a class required for my major pass/no pass?
Where can I find graduate school information?
Where can I find information about enrollment?