Senior Exit Requirement

The Senior Comprehensive (Senior Exit) requirement for the Ecology and Evolution BS, Marine Biology BS, Plant Sciences BS, and Biology BA majors can be satisfied with one of the following...

- By receiving a grade of C (2.0) or better in one of the following research laboratory or field courses:

  • BIOE 112L Ornithology Field Studies
  • BIOE 114L Field Methods in Herpetological Research
  • BIOE 117L Systematic Botany of Flowering Plants
  • BIOE 120L Marine Botany Laboratory
  • BIOE 122L Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory
  • BIOE 124L Mammalogy Laboratory
  • BIOE 127L Ichthyology Laboratory
  • BIOE 128L Large Marine Vertebrates Field Course
  • BIOE 129L Biology of Marine Mammals Laboratory
  • BIOE 131L Animal Physiology Laboratory
  • BIOE 133L Exercise Physiology Laboratory
  • BIOE 134L Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory
  • BIOE 135L Pant Physiology Laboratory
  • BIOE 137L Molecular Ecology Laboratory
  • BIOE 141L Behavioral Ecology Field Course
  • BIOE 145L Field Methods in Plant Ecology
  • BIOE 150L Ecological Field Methods
  • BIOE 151 Ecology & Conservation in Practice Supercourse
  • BIOE 155L Freshwater Ecology Laboratory
  • BIOE 158L Marine Ecology Laboratory
  • BIOE 159 Marine Ecology Field Quarter
  • BIOE 161L Kelp Forest Ecology Laboratory
  • BIOE 163L Ecology of Reefs, Mangroves, and Seagrasses Laboratory
  • BIOE 183W Undergraduate Research in EEB
  • BIOE 188 Introduction to Science Writing
  • BIOL 100L Biochemistry Laboratory
  • BIOL 105L Eukaryotic Genetics Laboratory
  • BIOL 105M Microbial Genetics Laboratory
  • BIOL 109L Yeast Molecular Genetics Laboratory
  • BIOL 110L Cell Biology Laboratory
  • BIOL 111L Immunology Laboratory
  • BIOL 115L Eukaryotic Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • BIOL 120L Developmental Biology Laboratory
  • BIOL 121L Environmental Phage Biology Laboratory
  • BIOL 178L Protocols in Stem Cell Biology
  • BIOL 186L Undergraduate Research in MCD Biology
  • BIOL 186R Undergraduate Research in MCD Biology
  • BIOL 187L Molecular Biotechnology Laboratory
  • BIOL 189 Health Sciences Internship (available only to Human Biology majors)
  • BIOC 110L Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
  • METX 119L Microbiology Laboratory
- By completing a senior thesis

- By achieving a graduate record exam (GRE) score at or above the 50th percentile on the biology subject test or the biochemistry, cell and molecular biology subject test** (Does not satisfy exit for ENVS/Biology combined major.)

- By achieving a medical college admissions test (MCAT) score at or above the 50th percentile on the biological science section** (Does not satisfy exit for ENVS/Biology combined major.)

**Scores must be submitted to EEB Advising before the last day of the graduating quarter.