Undergraduate Research Symposium 2023

The EEB Undergraduate Research Symposium is an end-of-the-year event that celebrates the accomplishments of EEB's undergraduate students and explores the diversity of research they have been involved in. The 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium featured 5 minute lightning talks with a Q&A session that showcased the student's research projects. 

Below you will find the alphabetical list of presenters, abstracts, and their presentation links. 

  • Emerson Albro & Erika Camacho

    Hemigrapsus Oregonensis Behavior as a Function of Predator Presence and Morphology

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Pete Raimondi & Dr. Kristy Kroeker


  • Melissa Andrade & Raven Long

    Sea Star & Urchin Predator-Prey Relationship: Chemical cue response under future ocean conditions

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Pete Raimondi & Dr. Kristy Kroeker


  • Elise Baugh

    Impact of age on lactation in northern elephant seals

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Roxanne Beltran 


  • Raziel Lederman-Beach

    Effects of Drought on Buckeye Seedlings

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Erika Zavaleta


  • Eliana Bower & Salma Valladares

    Morphological differences and variation between the mechanisms determining distribution of Fucus gardneri and Fucus evanescens in the intertidal zone

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Pete Raimondi & Dr. Kristy Kroeker


  • Lucy Buchanan

    Skeletal Growth of Balanophyllia Elegans Under Ocean Acdification Conditions

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Donald Potts


  • Rose Campbell, Rae Mancuso, & Nathan Hunter

    Indirect effects of Pycnopodia helianthoides in high latitude urchin barrens

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Kristy Kroeker


  • Christopher Ramirez

    How does Balanophyllia elegans skeletal growth differ when being fed particles versus no particles

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Donald Potts


  • Chamonix Toledo, Elisabeth Stansell, Leah Vanek, & Erik Hollstein

    Feeding Ecology of Serranus scriba in STARESO Harbor, Calvi, Corsica

    Faculty advisor: Dr. Peter Raimondi
