Courses & Enrollment: Enrollment Tips

Use the MyScheduler tool to plan your enrollment

Enrollment FAQ's

Enrollment Appointments FAQ's

Waitlist FAQ's

How to Swap a Waitlisted Course

How to Waitlist a Course with a Required lab:

1.  Wait list the lab section only.  Do not attempt to enroll in, or wait list the lecture at this time; you cannot enroll in the lecture until you have successfully enrolled in the corequisite lab section.

Suggestion:  To increase your chances of becoming enrolled, wait-list multiple lab sections if available.  You can wait list up to 14 units.  As an example, if the lab you are wait-listing is 2-units, you can wait list up to 7 lab sections that fit with your schedule.  If space becomes available in any of the sections you have wait-listed, you will become enrolled.  NOTE:  Once you are enrolled, drop from the remaining wait lists for the lab.

2.  Enroll in the lecture portion of the course after you are enrolled in the lab.  Upon becoming enrolled from the wait list in to an available lab, you will receive an email prompting you to enroll in the lecture.  You MUST enroll in the lecture or you will be dropped from the lab prior to the start of class.

Student Responsibility:  You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your enrollments. Be sure to verify your classes and grade options prior to the enrollment deadlines listed in the Academic and Administrative Calendar.