Quarterly Enrollment Updates


Last Updated 5/17/2024

Fall Enrollment Schedule (At-a-Glance): 

  • First Pass Appointments: Begin 5/20/2024 
    • Credit Limits:
      • Senior Standing: 19-credit limit
      • Junior, Sophomore, and Frosh Standing: 14-credit limit
    • Appointments every half hour - 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
    • First-pass enrollment remains open during your assigned appointment window
  • Second Pass Appointments and Waitlist: 5/28/2024 
    • Credit limits: 
      • Enrolled: 19-credit limit
      • Waitlist: 14-credit limit
      • Appointments every half hour - 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
  • Also see: 

Enrollment Reminders:

  • Courses located in “CoastBio” rooms are held at the Coastal Biology Building
  • Courses located in “Lg Discovery” rooms are held at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center.
  • Courses located in “Ocean Health” rooms are held at the Ocean Health Building
  • These facilities are located at UCSC’s Coastal Science Campus. They are not located on the main campus. Please carefully check the location of your courses when planning your schedule.
  • Student Responsibility: You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your enrollments. Be sure to verify your classes, modes of instruction (in person, online, or hybrid), classroom location, and grade options prior to the enrollment deadlines listed in the Academic and Administrative Calendar.


Special Course Information & Applications: 

BIOE 20F: Field Biology in Practice (2 units)

Enrollment by application. Introduction to the practice of field biology. Includes implementing the scientific process from formulating and testing hypotheses, sampling, data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation. Grounded in the natural ecosystems surrounding the UCSC campus, this course incorporates field and lab techniques, natural history of flora and fauna, and both observational and experimental biology.

BIOE 75: Scientific Diving
Enrollment by application. Course work includes lectures and scuba diving. Topics include subtidal sampling techniques, navigation, low visibility diving, search and recovery, rescues, small boat use, oxygen administration for divers, technical blue water deep diving, physics, and physiology. Students are billed a course materials fee.

Prerequisite(s): skill level equal to Advanced Scuba Diver Certification, pass scuba physical, provide own scuba gear, be certified in CPR and First Aid; and interview: pass swim test and scuba skills test.

Contact Dave Benet at divingsafety@ucsc.edu with additional questions about enrollment.

BIOE 133: Exercise Physiology (5 units) 

No Lab Required for Fall 2024. An advanced-level course concerning physiological and biochemical processes associated with human performance. Emphasis is on the integration of organ systems for exercise. Topics include metabolism and fuel utilization, cardiovascular and respiratory dynamics during activity, and the effects of training. Requires a good understanding of basic physiological function and anatomy.

Enroll in lecture and associated discussion section. Successfully completing the lecture (BIOE 133) without the lab (BIOE 133L) in Fall 2024 *WILL* satisfy elective and/or major requirements for EEB-sponsored majors. For students in other majors, consult with your advising team to determine eligibility to satisfy major requirements. Enrollment by permission number.

BIOE 161 and 161L: Kelp Forest Ecology and Lab  (10 units) 

Study of organization of kelp forests as models for examining biological communities. The physical and biotic factors responsible for community organization of kelp forests are explored using original literature and data collected in BIOE 161L. Class meets one full morning each week. Enrollment by interview only. Must be a "current" AAUS / UCSC diver before class starts. 

Contact Pete Raimondi, raimondi@ucsc.edu, for more information and permission numbers. 

BIOE 174: Evolutionary Medicine  (5 units, DC)

Evolutionary processes and organismal evolutionary history have a profound impact in shaping the ways species develop disease susceptibility. As part of this class, students use evolution to critically evaluate human health, and explore how natural selection can shape behaviors and physiological responses. Uses concepts like trade-offs to understand how the evolution of mechanisms that were favorable under a set of conditions might seem damaging once those conditions are no longer present in modern societies. Course also extends these concepts to examine the evolution of disease susceptibility in other animals and plants providing a new tool to understand the world around us.

Prerequsistes: satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements and BIOE 109.

How it applies to your major:
Biology BA: 1 Elective
Ecology and Evolution BS:  1 Topical Elective or 1 General Elective
Marine Biology BS: 1 General Elective
Plant Sciences BS: 1 General Elective
1 Disciplinary Communications (DC) Requirement

Undergraduate Research Courses

EEB Undergraduate research courses provide students with academic credit for undergraduate research work done in an EEB faculty laboratory. Courses are offered Fall, Winter, and Spring only. Learn how to get started in undergraduate research and enroll in research courses here.

The following research courses are not visible in the Schedule of Classes. Click here for enrollment instructions for these courses:

  • BIOE 182F Exploring Research in EEB, 2 units
  • BIOE 193F Independent Research in EEB, 2 units (Prerequisite: BIOE 183W)
  • BIOE 193 Independent Research in EEB, 5 units (Prerequisite: BIOE 183W)
  • BIOE 195 Senior Thesis in EEB, 5 units (Prerequisite: BIOE 183W)

BIOE 183W Undergraduate Research in EEB - Writing:  Students may enroll directly but must have faculty sponsor arranged and completed undergraduate research contract on file with the department by first class meeting.

Other Course Information

Is BIOL 105 full? Please waitlist the class during your second enrollment appointment to seek a seat in the course in Spring 2024. More information about BIOL courses is available here.

How to enroll in an upper division ENVS course: All upper division ENVS courses require ENVS 100/L as a prerequisite. To petition to take an ENVS upper division class without the ENVS 100/L pre-requisite, please fill out this petition. If successful, students will receive a permission code to enroll during second pass enrollment. For more information about enrolling in ENVS courses as an EEB student please contact ENVS Advising at envsugpc@ucsc.edu.


Did you receive a P grade in a major requirement course in Spring 2020? Please note that while your P grade is accepted by the department, it will not show as completed in your Degree Progress Report (DPR) automatically. Your DPR does not inform the enrollment system of your prerequisites, so there is no consequence to not having your P grade reflected in your DPR.


Have More Enrollment Questions? Please visit the registar website for more FAQs and Enrollment Information.