Freshmen Enrollment Guide

What classes do I enroll in to start my EEB major?
What math class should I enroll in?
What calculus series should I take?
When should I take math?
What general chemistry class should I enroll in?
When should I take chemistry?
When do I take biology?

What classes do I enroll in to start my EEB major?

Prioritize enrollment in Bioe 20C,  math and chemistry courses in your first year. Remember, all courses for your major must be taken for a letter grade.

What math class should I enroll in?

If you have a math AP score, refer to the Advanced Placement Credit page for guidance on which math you may enroll in.

College level Math transfer credit can also be used to determine which math course you will begin with. Contact EEB Advising for assistance.

If you do not have math AP credit, or college level math transfer course work, the UCSC Math Coach provides detailed information on the ALEKS placement and learning tool . Your math placement score will determine which math course you can enroll in.  If you place into Math 2 or Math 3, we encourage you to continue working in the ALEKS tool until you place into calculus.

Which calculus series should I take?

UCSC offers several calculus sequences.  MATH 11AB is recommended for EEB majors.

The MATH 11 series, Calculus with Applications: applies the standard development of calculus to problems in particular scientific fields. The most common series for majors in EEB majors.

The MATH 19-Calculus for Science & Engineering, or Math 20-Honors Calculus series satisfy the calculus requirement for the major; these series are recommended if considering a physics or engineering major, or if seeking a more rigorous treatment of calculus.

NOTE: Calculus is included in the EEB Qualification Policy (except for the Biology BA major), for more information see Major Qualification.

When should I take math?

You should take math in your first year.  Many students take math in their first quarter.  Reference these sample academic plans and your math placement score to determine which sample plan is appropriate for you:

Ecology & Evolution Freshmen Academic Plans
Marine Biology Freshmen Academic Plans
Plant Sciences Freshmen Academic Plans
Biology BA Freshman Academic Plans

Which general chemistry class should I enroll in?

CHEM 1A or CHEM 1B, General Chemistry: You can begin the 3 quarter general chemistry series with either CHEM 1A or CHEM 1B. If you begin in CHEM 1B you still must complete CHEM 1A to satisfy your major requirements.  Only students who place into calculus should begin general chemistry in fall quarter.

Your AP Chemistry test score may exempt you from taking one of the general chemistry courses, see our Advanced Placement Credit page for more information.

NOTE: General chemistry is included in the EEB Qualification Policy, for more information see Major Qualification.

When should I take chemistry?

Your math placement is a good indicator of when you should start chemistry.  If you are beginning with...

MATH 2:  Begin chemistry in spring with Chem 1A or 1B. 

MATH 3:  Begin chemistry in winter with Chem 1A or 1B.

MATH 11A or 19A:  Begin chemistry in fall or winter with CHEM 1A or 1B.

When do I take biology?

We recommend beginning the introductory biology series with BIOE 20C Ecology and Evolution as early as your first quarter at UCSC.

The introductory biology sequence is comprised of three courses:  BIOL 20A, BIOE 20B, and BIOE 20C.  You may begin the series with either BIOE 20C, Ecology & Evolution or BIOL 20A, Cell & Molecular Biology.  BIOE 20C has no prerequisites, BIOL 20A has CHEM 1A as a prerequisite.  

Your AP Biology test score may exempt you from taking some introductory biology courses, see our Advanced Placement Credit page for more information.

NOTE: Introductory biology is included in the EEB Qualification Policy, for more information see Major Qualification.